Thursday, January 14, 2010

catfish farming part I

Lele is a type of consumption of freshwater fish with elongated body and the skin slippery. Channel catfish in Indonesia has several local names, such as: fish prop (Padang), fish death (Gayo, Aceh), fish pintet (South Kalimantan), fish rivet (Makasar), fish CEPI (Bugis), catfish, or leachate (Central Java). Was in Other countries known as the mali (Africa), plamond (Thailand), the fish looked (Malaysia), gura Magura (Sri Lanka), ca tre trang (Japan). In English called also catfish, siluroid, walking catfish and mudfish. Never catfish
found in brackish water or salt water. Habitat in the river with the water flow slowly, swamp, lake, reservoir, flooded rice fields. Catfish are noctural, ie active search for food at night. In the daytime, the catfish silent and shelter in dark places.
Catfish are found in Africa and Asia. Cultivated in Thailand, India, the Philippines and Indonesia. In Thailand catfish production kg/100m2/tahun ± 970. In India (the acid) produced on average 7 months to reach 1200 kg / ha.

  • TYPE
Catfish classification is:
  1. Kingdom : Animalia
  2. Sub-kingdom : Metazoa
  3. Phyllum : Chordata
  4. Sub-phyllum : Vertebrata
  5. class : Pisces
  6. Sub-class : Teleostei
  7. Ordo : Ostariophysi
  8. Sub-ordo : Siluroidea
  9. Familia : Clariidae
  10. Genus : Clarias

In Indonesia there are 6 (six) types of catfish that can be developed:
  1. Clarias batrachus, known as channel catfish (Java), fish prop (Sumatera West), fish death (North Sumatra), and fish pintet (South Kalimantan).
  2. Clarias teysmani, known as the catfish Flower (West Java), white Kalang (Padang).
  3. Clarias melanoderma, known as razor fish (South Sumatra), wais (Central Java), pleat (West Java).
  4. Clarias nieuhofi, known as leachate fish (Java), limbat (Sumatera West), kaleh (South Kalimantan).
  5. Clarias loiacanthus, known as the fish looked (West Sumatra), fish arrest (East Kalimantan).
  6. Clarias gariepinus, catfish known as Dumbo (Lele Lamb), King paints fish, comes from Africa.

  1. A good soil for pond maintenance is the type of clay / clay, not pivot, muddy and fertile. Land that can be used to catfish farming can be: rice, kecomberan, garden ponds, garden pond.
  2. Channel catfish good life in low-lying areas until local The maximum height 700 m above sea level.
  3. Ground elevation of the surface water sources and ponds is 5-10%.
  4. Location for making the pool must relate directly or closely with source water and not close to the highway.
  5. Location for making the pool should be in the shade, but not under a tree whose leaves easily fall off.
  6. Channel catfish can survive at a temperature of 20 ° C, with optimum temperature between 25-28 ° C. While necessary for larval growth temperature range between 26 -- 30 ° C and for spawning 24-28 ° C.
  7. Catfish can live in water depth rather calm and quite, despite bad water conditions, murky, dirty and poor O2 substances.
  8. Water must not be polluted by chemicals, industrial waste, mercury, or contain levels of oil or other materials that can be deadly fish.
  9. Waters contain many substances that are needed for fish and ingredients natural foods. Water is not a flood-prone waters.
  10. Surface waters should not be closed by the garbage or leaves life, such as water hyacinth.
  11. Has a pH of 6,5-9; hardness (degree of coarse grain) 100 ppm maximum and the optimal 50 ppm; turbidity (cloudiness) instead of mud between 30-60 cm; optimal O2 needs a fairly wide range, from 0.3 ppm to adult; and CO2 content of less than 12.8 mg / liter, ammonium bound 147,29-157,56 mg / liter.
  12. Requirements for maintenance of channel catfish in keramba:
  • Rivers or irrigation channels are not steep, easily visited / controlled.
  • Close to home maintenance.
  • The width of the river or irrigation canal between 3-5 meters.
  • Rivers or irrigation channels are not rocky, so keramba easy to install.
  • Water depth 30-60 cm.